This is Greer Fay Cashman's review of Rise and Kill first in the 29 October 2018 issue of The Jerusalem Report.
Her moral instincts are ass backwards.
In particular, in the following four paragraphs:
Extremely well written with the dramatic thrall characteristic of the most exciting blood and guts fiction, "Rise and Kill First" is the kind of shocker that will cause a traumatic reaction in many Jewish readers, who will not be able to grasp the cruelty and lack of sensitivity among some of their co-religionists. Incidents recorded in the book run counter to so much that Jews believe about themselves as a people.
It is a book that will open a Pandora's box of doubt, and will undoubtedly remove the glory from some of Israel's national heroes.
There will be readers who will put the book down in disgust, unable to complete it because they simply cannot stomach the revelations, and they don't want to believe them to be true. Some will regard Bergman with the kind of loathing reserved for whistle-blowers.
What does she have against war by assassination? War by assassination is the most moral (or if you prefer the least immoral) form of warfare. It inflicts less collateral damage than any other form of warfare. Furthermore, why kill the poor cannon fodder if you can kill their leaders instead?Others, who have always contended that Jews are no better or no worse than people of any other faith, national or ethnic background, will feel vindicated and will see the book as yet another proof of the validity of their argument.