What I am about to describe AFAIK never happened, but AFAIK is consistent with everything that is known to have happened. It may be useful as an antidote to the much more dangerous conspiracy theory of the International Jewish Conspiracy. Specifically, if you tell it to a believer in the International Jewish Conspiracy, to show him/her where the Protocols of the Elders of Zion really came from, s/he may consider my conspiracy theory to be more plausible and thus stop blaming *everything* on the Jews.
At the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the leaders of Great Britain, notably the Duke of Wellington, decided that in order to keep Great Britain safe from a future threat of invasion from the Continent, Great Britain needed to rule the world. They figured that Great Britain itself was only strong enough to control the Eastern Hemisphere outside Europe, based on the continuing British success in expanding the zone of British rule in India, so they needed allies. The obvious ally to control the Western Hemisphere was the up and coming republic in North America, the United States of America, that shared a common culture with Great Britain and in any case had its own interest in keeping European powers, particularly Spain, from taking over the former colonies to its south that had taken advantage of the Napoleonic Wars to turn themselves into independent countries. To control Europe, they decided that the best allies would be the Jews generally and the Rothchilds specifically. They were impressed with how the Rothchilds had succeeded in cornering the Belgian stock market after the Battle of Waterloo. Furthermore, the Jews were the only European ethnic group that didn't have a specific territorial base in Europe and so were plausibly capable of ruling Europe generally and not motivated to betray their British allies.
The first part of the plot fell into place when President James Monroe of the United Staters of America announced the Monroe Doctrine. Everyone knew that the USA was not strong enough to enforce the Monroe Doctrine all by itself and that the real muscle behind the Monroe Doctrine was the Royal Navy. The second part of the plot was supposed to be the revolutions of 1848, but to the chagrin of the British and the Rothchilds those revolutions were suppressed.
The Rothchilds returned to their primary interest of making money, until the rise of modern European anti-Semitism towards the end of the nineteenth century. What really scared the Rothchilds was the Dreyfus Affair, that showed that even the Rothchilds' base in the liberal democratic French republic was vulnerable. They decided that they needed a long term backup plan just in case they would eventually need to leave France. They dusted off their old plans for ruling Europe and modified them to fit the current contingency. Turkish Palestine looked like a good choice for a replacement base outside Europe because it was inevitable that the great powers of Europe would eventually divide up the Ottoman Empire among themselves and Palestine had a historical connection to the Jews that would give the Rothchilds an argument for getting that piece of the former Ottoman pie. The Rothchilds chose as their front man for getting the "Zionist Project" going an Austrian jounalist based in Paris named Theodore Herzel.
Herzel organized a conference in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland of Jews who felt excluded from the various territorially-based nationalisms that were rising around them in Europe, especially in Eastern Europe. The new Zionist movement had an open agenda and a secret agenda. The open agenda was to promote Jewish colonization in Palestine. The secret agenda was to plant Zionist agents at high levels of the governments of the various European great powers. The task of these agents was to lobby for giving Palestine to the Jews when the Ottoman Empire would finally be divided among the great powers. Otherwise, the agents were to do what was best for their respective countries, as though they were loyal citizens of those countries.
The only great power where this could not be accomplished was Tzarist Russia, in which everyone high up in the government needed to be Russian Orthodox. So instead, Zionist agents were to be planted in all the revolutionary movements. These agents would function as loyal revolutionaries who would work for the overthrow of the Tzarist government. Whichever revolutionary movement replaced the Tzarist regime then would have Zionist agents in place to lobby for giving Palestine to the Jews.
It didn't take long for Russian intelligence to find out about the secret Zionist agenda. In self defense, the Tzarist government decided to destroy the Zionist movement. The chosen mechanism was to turn the European Gentiles against Zionism by convincing them that Zionism was a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. To this end, Russian intelligence forged and distributed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The rest is history.
Postscript: The planting of Zionist agents in the Russian Communist party led, 40 years later, to an unforseen catastrophe for the Russians. When Stalin, who was inclined to paranoia anyway, discovered how much the Zionists had penetrated the Party, he went ballistic and purged, in addition to all the Zionists, a great many loyal Russian Communists.
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