Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Political Disney World Challenge

This blog post by Tim Urban includes the following challenge:
On both sides of PDW, people would struggle to name three policies they like of a president on the Them side of things and three legitimate areas where an Us president has gone wrong—even though every president does a lot of good and bad things.
(PDW = political Disney World. To find out what that means you need to read the blog post, and probably also the preceding eight blog posts.)

So I have accepted the challenge.

Three things that Trump has done right:
  1. Moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
  2. Scaring the Europeans into fielding their own united army (but it will take time for that to actually happen)
  3. Issuing an executive order targeting antisemitism on campus
Three things Obama did wrong:
  1. Drawing a pink line in the sand in Syria
  2. Inadequate stimulus of the US economy to recover from the Great Recession
  3. Not prosecuting the bankers responsible for the Great Recession

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