Thursday, August 27, 2020

American Jews are White.

Originally published 27/8/20

Some "progressive" people of color in the United States lump Jews together with all the other "White" Americans as beneficiaries of White privilege. American Jews tend to be offended by this classification, mostly on the grounds that historically, Jews have been treated all over the world just like people of color are treated in the US, or worse.

 IMHO those people of color are correct. European Jews are people of color. Jews in Moslem lands, to the extent that there still are any Jews there, are people of color. American Jews are white.

The original class structure in the United States at its foundation was:

Protestants from Western and Northern Europe

Catholics from Western and Northern Europe (except Irish)

Other European Christians


People of Color (initially Negroes, after 1846 also Latinx)

Native Americans

Between the Civil War and World War I the boundary between the top two categories disappeared, leaving:

Christians from Western and Northern Europe (except Irish Catholics)

Other European Christians


People of Color

Native Americans 

 Between World War I and World War II the next boundary disappeared, leaving:

European Christians


People of Color

Native Americans

During the Cold War, the next boundary disappeared and the Jews became White:


People of Color

Native American

except that after 1965 when the 1924 quotas were removed, South Asians and East Asians started to immigrate in large enough numbers to constitute a separate category, so I suspect that the true structure is:



People of Color (Latinx are still here because they got included in the US by conquest rather than by immigration)

Native Americans

What brings this up now is that today I started reading this book review. This is the first paragraph:

Bess Kalb’s grandmother Bobby was born on a dining room table in Brooklyn; her mother, Rose, a working-class Russian immigrant, “didn’t want to ruin the bed linens.” Nine decades later, not long after Bobby’s death, Kalb is wandering through her grandmother’s apartment in Westchester, N.Y., looking for “tchotchkes” to claim as mementos. But the items she chooses — among them a Limoges egg, a Brooks Brothers shirt, lipsticks by Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent — serve also as a measure of how far her grandmother came in her lifetime: from a “tenement in Brooklyn” to the upscale suburbs; from the bottom of the social ladder to its uppermost rungs. (emphasis added)


Added 11/6/21 to illustrate that Jews were people of color until the Cold War.

Here is an interesting paragraph from "Agents of Influence", a book about the British agents who worked on US public opinion in 1940-1941 to shift that opinion from isolation to intervention. Maschwitz' job was to pay astrologers to predict Hitler's immanent death. The idea was to chip away at the image of Nazi invincibility and to make Hitler nervous if the horoscopes ever came to his attention. Anyway, here is the paragraph. The time is July 1941.
Maschwitz had arrived earlier that month, and right away was introduced to the social complexities of life in Manhattan when his prospective landlord refused to lease him an apartment, explaining that he ran a ‘restricted house’. Maschwitz assured him he had no plans to sell liquor on the premises. The landlord replied that ‘restricted’ meant he would not allow either African-Americans or Jews to live there. Although Maschwitz’s father was Jewish, his mother was not; so the apartment was his.
(Hemming, Henry. Agents of Influence (pp. 169-170). PublicAffairs. Kindle Edition.)
 Added 5/7/23

This paper purports to explain how Jews became White. If this is the only set of mechanisms, it does not explain how Christians from Southern and Eastern Europe became White before the Cold War.
Added 24/4/24
Danielle Romero has a YouTube channel that includes videos about how Irish and Southern/Eastern Europeans became White. Her analyses tend to be too Marxist for my taste, but she documents how non-white these immigrant groups were, depending on where in the USA, through the 1920s.

Added 10/6/24

Danielle Romero claims that Italian Americans didn't become White until after WWII.
Added 12/7/24

Here is a quote from The New York Times book review of "The New York Game" about baseball in New York City in the first half of the twentieth century:
 New York’s swelling immigrant population encouraged the search for ethnic prospects — Irish, German, Italian, even Jewish — as long as they were white. (emphasis added)
So Irish and Italian rank above Jewish. But the Jews, although white, weren't White yet. Here is another quote:
In 1919, baseball faced a defining moment when members of the Chicago White Sox, in the pay of gamblers led by the New York City kingpin Arnold Rothstein, conspired to throw the World Series. (The Sporting News blamed it on “dirty, long-nosed, thick-lipped and strong-smelling” immigrant types.)

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